The Approach
[A Knowledgeable Guide]
We believe that even in the face of illness, each day brings real opportunities for meaningful and magical moments —no matter our medical status, age, or physical condition. Each day of life, for as long as life lasts, offers things to hope for, and opportunities to heal on many levels, including emotionally and spiritually. As your Guide, Zoë helps facilitate these experiences.
Zoë’s unique focus is on arts & culture (music appreciation, art appreciation, literature, poetry, tactile arts and the performing arts) and nature (parks and gardens) as a means of connecting to her clients, whatever their level of functioning, and wherever they are living. If a person is not physically able to visit a museum, library, or nature site, we can bring many of these cultural resources to the person where they are. If a person has lost one of their senses or abilities, we focus on their remaining senses and make activities relevant to them.